Art Goes On
I haven't been blogging in quite some time quite to my surprise. I thought I'd be locked up in my studio for the rest of the year due to...

Pandemic Days
Well, I'm back. I totally was weighing the pros and cons of blogging after the new year. All the advice you read these days for...

The Happiest of Holidays
In the spirit of the season, I've been painting poinsettias and festive interiors. Well, it also has to do with the fact that the weather...

Happiest of Holidays
In the spirit of the season, I've been painting poinsettias and festive interiors. Well, it also has to do with the fact that the...

Loosening up
This month I signed up for a workshop taught by an artist who is a colorist that tends to paint mostly abstract. I generally take...

October challenges
I belong to a group of pastel painters on Facebook. Some of these people are just awesome awesome Pastelists and I am in awe of their...

And the beat goes on.....
Life is back to normal after traveling home from NJ to be with family and friends for the marriage of my son to his beautiful bride. It...

Art is from the heart....
Art comes from what touches the heart. I always start with a subject that moves me in some way. The work becomes a true love story when...

Lazy summer days.....
Lazy summer days make this gal one lazy artist. Had a visit from my sister recently so the norm in my home slowed down quite a bit -...

And the winner is.......
Well, surprisingly, "Broomstick in Bloom" won an award of excellence at the recent Kingsport Fun Fest art show. Surprisingly, because...