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And the winner is.......

Well, surprisingly, "Broomstick in Bloom" won an award of excellence at the recent Kingsport Fun Fest art show. Surprisingly, because the talent in this show was just awesome. I am always amazed and humbled when I win any kind of prize in an art show when there is such wonderful work beside mine. This painting was really a spur of the moment, caught in the emotion kind of piece. I just responded to the subject matter and went at it freely and quickly (for me). Maybe that's what the judge saw? Perhaps they felt the spontaneity...maybe some passion? I don't know what it was....would love to know but the judges were not in attendance to ask the questions. I'll just be happy and content that they saw something that moved them in this work. That's what art is all about and that's what makes the artist move on to the next piece. The desire is always there to take something that you really respond to and then share that raw emotion with others. Yes, there are mechanics, but the artist should not allow themselves to be directed only by making an accurate depiction. There has to be something more, something that goes beyond the intellect and directly to the heart.

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